Engineered Solutions > MDB® Molecular Diamond Bond

Helro Molecular Diamond Bonded, MDB ®, tools grind significantly cooler, faster, and twice as long as electroplated grind wheels. Our MDB ® diamond grinding wheels Reduce tooling costs, Improve production process and Increase production rates.

Our Molecular Diamond Bond, MDB ®, is the strongest diamond bond in the industry. The metal bond forms strong bonds at the molecular level with the surface of the diamond and infuses into the grinding wheels base metal. This process creates our unique diamond grinding wheels that outperform electroplated wheels on non-ferrous machining operations. The drawing below demonstrates the differences between electroplated and Molecular Diamond Bonding systems. MDB ® grind wheels have successfully machined a wide variety of materials in production. We work with you to optimize your grinding process and develop tools that exceed our customers’ expectations.

MDB® Molecular Diamond Bond Diagramsingle-multi-v


  • Reduced costs
    • 2X longer tool life than electroplated wheels
  • Increase production
    • Greater diamond exposure for faster, cooler and grinding
  • Strong diamond bond
    • MDB® forms bonds at the molecular level with diamond surface
  • Reduce wheel cleaning
    • MDB® design improves dust removal and reduces cleaning

Excellence Exceeding Expectations